Our Sources

Products from Sustainable Fisheries

At Seahawk, our commitment to sourcing products from sustainable locations comes from years of building relationships with our suppliers

Our global supply chain has generated a network of partners who have been extremely important to the growth of our business. These relationships have allowed a consistent supply, of which we are very proud. We fully acknowledge our obligation to minimise the impact on the environment by striving to provide our customers with products from sustainable fisheries.

In particular we identify the importance of offering our customers the opportunity to participate with us in the provision of MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) and ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) BAP (Best Aquaculture Practice) products, backed up by our own third party audited food safety systems, to ensure the conformity of sustainable practices.

We believe that the preservation of fish stocks must be of significant concern to all companies involved in the fishing industry. We must be accountable and measured in how we catch and grow our fish and seafood.


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